Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Work work work

Well the update of mine and Dave's life right now is the possibility of Dave having a job right when he finishes his degree! So this past Fast Sunday I fasted for help for Dave and I to figure out our lives and for him to get a job or whatever would be best for our future. Part of me wouldn't mind if he didn't get a job so I can continue my education at BYU, but the other, larger part wants Dave to be happy and for us to not be in debt. I don't think there is really any way Dave won't be hating life if he doesn't have a job. Post BYU was hard enough on him that going through that same thing after his Masters would suck balls. Plus the lovely amount of debt we've gone into for this Amsterdam excursion. ANYWAY. Just explaining the situation a bit.

So the Sunday after that fast Sunday...story time...so I was getting headphones (translation of Sacrament meeting) and this guy I didn't know asked me if they were all in English and I said yes. That was all. I kinda kicked myself because I should have been more friendly to him! During Sacrament meeting I was kinda dwelling on it (I'm ridiculous I know, at least I have a conscience??) So halfway through the meeting I went out to blow my nose and as I was going out this family walked in. After the meeting I decided to say hi and to talk to them a bit (make up for my previous lack of friendliness) and the kids were here on Spring Break but their dad recently moved here for work. Then on the way home we happened to be on the same tram and talked a little bit more! It came out of the works that the guy was in basically the exact field Dave is looking into and what his thesis will be on. Right before we got off the tram he invited us over to his house for dinner! So post-dinner talk led to him eventually saying he'd see if he could find a position for Dave. He is a super friendly guy and we are soooooo excited.

Next Sunday he invited us over for dinner along with all the missionaries. When it was just us again he was saying that he's more excited to hire Dave than he's been hiring 90% of the people he's hired and that he really likes the way Dave thinks and he will find a project  for him even if it takes a few tries! WOW!!! We really feel so blessed. So we don't know where we will end up...we could be staying in the Netherlands, moving to Italy or Oman or anywhere!! We made him know we are extremely flexible and will go just about anywhere.

So in summary we feel super blessed and that Heavenly Father is taking care of us. One way of another our lives will work out. OH also. So that tram ride where we got to know them better...wouldn't have happened if Dave's bike hadn't had a flat tire but because it was we had to take public transit! Blessings can come out of trials....I know everyone says this...but hey here's proof :)

Well that's my update of happiness! Have a good day :)